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Episode 96: Giving the Slip

The two humans continued to evade the aliens by hiding in the shadows. Donnaught spotted an abandoned cabin about ten minutes walk from their current position. It seemed to be a good place to hide out, while they tried to plan a way to get the fuel without being seen by the natives.

Once inside the run-down structure they looked around for any materials that could assist them with a peaceful retrieval of the fuel that they needed so desperately. They searched high and low and found three items. The first was a book titled "pow tow flantis" which translated means, "Law and History of Our Race". The second was an electronic device, that was as foreign to them as they are to the natives. The third was similar to a flashlight only the light was all the colors in a rainbow. The two men were unsure what purpose the multiple colors would have.

Suddenly they heard a crowd of natives coming toward them. They had to flee immediately, to avoid being seen. There is only time to grab one of the items they found.


Grab the "pow tow flantis" book
Grab electronic device.
Grab the rainbow light.
Leave everything behind.


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Jenn Phelan