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Episode 829: The Newcomer

Fan and Dough decided against doing what Shae had suggested. As

Shae stepped back out of the room to perform whatever herculean task awaited her. Fannia and Donnaught start bickering again about how ridiculous this "Ee-arth" idea is.

Suddenly the hatch slid open. The vacuum of space pulled the two toward the hatch. Fannia was able to grab hold of the control deck, but Donnaught wasn't so lucky.

"NOOO!!!" yelled Fannia, as Donnaught, his best friend, was sucked through the open hatch into nothingness. A dark, rather short figure entered into the ship.

"You, you killed Donnaught!!!" Cried Fannia, lunging at figure.

The figure stepped to the side, and Fannia was gone, suffering the same fate as his close friend. Shae stepped into the bridge to see Fannia floating out into space. The figure closed the hatch and pulls off his helmet.

"Cam!" She exclaimed, "What have you done!?"


Shae talks to Cam.
Shae becomes emotional.


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