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Episode 1668: Murder on the Full Moon

In Lincoln, Nebraska a man was brutally mauled by an unidentified animal and has been reported to have had his heart torn out. You can tell instantly that this is likely a werewolf, seeing as the lunar cycle marches the time of death, but you won't rule out the possibility of it being a skinwalker. You smile slightly, thinking that one of the benefits of immortality is that you can learn so mutch about what goes bump in the night. It takes you two days to reach Lincoln and, after feeding on some blood, you quickly pose as a FBI agent. Its a risky cover, seeing as you have no one to help you through it, but you have managed to get by for some time.

"Mind telling me why the FBI are interested in a case like this. I mean, its not like the guy is Al Capone." responded sergeant Ryan Thompson after you informed him of who you are. The man was, to your great amusement, a near copy of the Thompson and Thomson characters from TinTin, something which you enjoyed when you discovered it's existence in the early nineties.


You start by investigating Kate.
You start by investigating Wilson.


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