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Episode 1619: 66 Years Older

You shut the door to your flat in Chicago as you leave for your job at the museum. With it being 1969, you have seen much since that night with Kat. Two world wars, the invention of the atomic bomb and a great depression, with a lot more bound to come. Despite being a monster, you fear the potential nuclear war between America and the Soviet Union.

As you begin walking down the stairs, you run into Josie, your neighbor. She is a pretty young girl with short black hair, and you both fancy each other. However, you always think of what you did to Kat all those decades ago and so you keep your distance. Despite this however, you have become good friends.

"Oh, hi Joseph! Off to work?" Josie asks happily, trying to make conversation. You smile and nod. The two of you continue to talk for a few moments, but eventually you need to go to work. After saying goodbye, you resume walking down the stairs until you reach the ground floor. With a small smile as you think of Josie, you pass through the doors into...


...the warm daylight (if over 300 years old)
...the cool night air (if below 300 years old)
...the warm daylight (if the first vampire).


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