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Episode 1618: 106 years older and wiser

You walk through the streets of Boston, ignoring the people passing you. Since that night with Kat in 1903, you have gathered a normal life for yourself. It has been a complicated century, filled with many happy and sad moments, but you are content to simply do your job as a porter at the local hospital. Whistling happily, you stop suddenly. Listening hard, you pick up sounds of a fight down an alley. After some hesitation, you go and investigate.

After some turns, you find yourself on a fairly common sight: a group of vampires beating up a werewolf. As you look at the fight, you wonder if you should intervene. But why should you? It's just a werewolf and you have killed many of it's kind.


You walk towards the group, fists ready for a fight (if 223).
You walk towards the group, extending your supernatural control over the vampires (if the first vampire).
You walk towards the group, planning your next move (if 356)


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